Find your restoration dream job through our extensive network

Advance your career through the expertise of our seasoned restoration recruiters.

Our extensive restoration network and industry expertise have enabled us to match you with a position that is aligned with your career aspirations.

A History Of Success

Over 25 Years of Restoration Recruitment


Industry Placements

Skillfully connecting talent with opportunities in all sectors of property restoration.


Cities In Our Network

We’ve built thousands of property restoration careers throughout the United States.

How do I get started?

Step 1

Talk with a recruiter

Initiate your career transition by discussing your experience with one of our expert  restoration recruiters. They'll help identify opportunities that align with your career aspirations.

Step 2

Prepare for interviews

Our team will provide you with individualized coaching needed to achieve an optimal outcome. We cover everything from resume consultation to  interview preparation.

Step 3

Engage with employers

Meet with potential employers who are eager to find top talent. We'll facilitate the interviews, ensuring you connect with the decision makers in the industry.

Step 4

Embark on your new career

Secure your ideal position as we support you through the final hiring process, ensuring a smooth transition into your new role.

Phil Lake, man in a black jacket and white shirt

Principles of working with RPS

"I'm proud to lead a company that exceeds expectation by providing a dynamic job search experience, diverse opportunities, and essential resources for their career journey."

Phil Lake

President, RPS

Profile picture of Hope Folk.

Principles of working with RPS

“We empower our clients and aim to make the process of job searching engaging and enjoyable. It’s exciting to offer the choice that contemporary job seekers demand, and the coaching to support the placement process.”

Hope Folk

Chief Operations Officer

Profile picture of Chris Lake

Principles of working with RPS

"When we collaborate with a restoration client, our objective extends beyond simply filling a position. We aim to embrace your narrative and enlist individuals who harmonize with your company's values and culture."

Chris Lake

Vice President, RPS


Is this process confidential?

Yes, confidentiality is paramount in our recruitment process. We ensure that all information shared with us remains confidential, both for employers and job seekers.

Why should I invest my time into your recruitment firm?

Our recruitment firm specializes in the restoration industry, meaning we have a deep understanding of its nuances and requirements. We offer personalized attention, industry expertise, and a commitment to finding the best fit for both employers and job seekers.

What industries does your firm specialize in?

We specialize in the property restoration industry, serving both job seekers and employers within this sector.

What types of job positions do you typically recruit for?

We recruit for a wide range of positions within the property restoration industry, including but not limited to project managers, technicians, estimators, and administrative roles.

How do you source and vet potential candidates?

We utilize a variety of sourcing methods, including industry-specific job boards, networking, and referrals. Our rigorous vetting process includes screening resumes, conducting interviews, and verifying qualifications and references.

What sets your firm apart from other recruiting agencies?

Our firm's deep specialization in the property restoration industry, combined with our personalized approach and commitment to excellence, sets us apart. We prioritize building long-term relationships and strive for mutual success.

What is the typical timeline for the recruitment process?

The timeline can vary depending on the position and specific requirements. However, we aim to streamline the process while ensuring thoroughness, typically ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months.

How do you communicate with candidates throughout the process?

We maintain open and transparent communication with candidates at every stage of the process. This includes regular updates, feedback, and guidance to ensure a positive experience for all involved.

What support do you offer to candidates after they are placed in a role?

Our support extends beyond placement. We offer ongoing guidance, career development advice, and assistance in navigating challenges that may arise in their new roles.

Are there any fees associated with your services for candidates?

No, our services for candidates are typically provided at no cost. Our fees are primarily covered by the employers seeking to fill positions within their organizations.

Start your career

Let's make it happen.